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VISA to India


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Visa Fee

All Consular Fees and Processing Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE, even if a visa is denied or if a visa is issued for a shorter period of time or otherwise issued or returned at a time or on terms and conditions that vary from those sought by the applicant.

IVS VMS Sdn. Bhd. is a service providing company. IVS VMS Sdn. Bhd. does not issue visas or in any way determine or control the issuance of, or terms and conditions of, visas, all of which is determined and controlled solely by the Consulates of the Indian High Commission, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. IVS VMS Sdn. Bhd. is not and cannot be responsible for any determinations, acts or omissions by the Consulates.

All Visa fees are payable in either Credit/Debit Cards or Cash Only.

  • Fees :
  • Consular fees are fixed on the basis of reciprocal arrangement/or special agreements between governments, the fees could differ for citizens of different countries. Consular fee once received is not refunded even if the visa application is withdrawn or visa not granted

    A Processing Service Fee of Ringgit Malaysia 1.56 will be collected by IVS VMS Sdn. Bhd. per application, per passport. All Visa fees are payable in either Credit/Debit Cards or Cash Only.

S.No Type of Visa Duration/Entries Fees in RM
1. TOURIST VISA (T) Up to 1 year /Single or Multiple Entry 488.56
More than 1 year and up to 5 years/Multiple Entry 960.56
2. BUSINESS VISA (B)* Up to 1 year/Single or Multiple Entry 583.56
More than 1 year and up to 5 years/Multiple Entry 1196.56
3. ENTRY VISA (X) Up to 6 months/Single or Multiple Entry 394.56
More than 6 months and up to 1 year/Multiple Entry 583.56
More than 1 year and up to 5 years/Multiple Entry 960.56
4. EMPLOYMENT (E) & PROJECT (P) VISA Up to 6 months/Single or Multiple Entry 583.56
More than 6 months and up to 1 year/Multiple Entry 960.56
More than 1 year and up to 5 years/Multiple Entry 1432.56
5. STUDENT VISA (S) Valid for the duration of the course or 5 years, whichever is less/Multiple Entry 350.56
6. MEDICAL VISA (MED) & MEDICAL ATTENDANT VISA (MED X) Up to 6 months/Single or Multiple Entry 394.56
More than 6 months and up to 1 year/Multiple Entry 583.56
7. CONFERENCE/SEMINARS VISA (C) Up to 6 months/Single (or Multiple) Entry 394.56
8. JOURNALIST VISA (J) Up to 6 months/Single Entry (or Double Entry with HOM’s approval) 394.56
9. RESEARCH VISA (R) Up to 6 months/Single or Multiple Entry 394.56/td>
More than 6 months and up to 1 year/Multiple Entry 518.56
More than 1 year and up to 5 years/Multiple Entry 960.56
10. MISSIONARY VISA (M) Up to 6 months/Single or Multiple Entry 394.56
More than 6 months and up to 1 year/Multiple Entry 583.56
More than 1 year and up to 5 years/Multiple Entry 960.56
11. MOUNTAINEERING VISA (MX) Up to 6 months/Single or Multiple Entry 394.56
More than 6 months and up to 1 year/Multiple Entry 583.56
12. INTERN VISA (I) Up to 1 year/Multiple Entry 394.56
13. FILM VISA (F) Up to 1 year/Multiple Entry(Maximum duration of the visa will be 1 year) 583.56
14. TRANSIT VISA Up to 15 days/Single or Double Entry 111.56
15. MISSIONARY VISAS Up to 6 months/ Single or Multiple Entry 394.56
More than 6 months and up to 1 year/ Single or Multiple Entry 583.56
More than 1 year and up to 5 years/Single or Multiple Entry 960.56

* Note:

(1). Owing to bilateral arrangements, there will be different Business Visa fee for 13 specified countries at the rates indicated in Annexure-I.

(2). Owing to bilateral arrangements, there will be different Employment Visa Fee for 10 specified countries at the rates indicated in Annexure-II.

1. Gratis Visa:

Visa to be issued to nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Jamaica, Maldives, Mauritius, Mongolia & South Africa. In respect of Seychelles nationals, all types of visas except for work/employment may be issued on gratis basis.

Only Business, Tourist and Transit visas are to be issued on gratis basis to the nationals of Argentina. Similarly only Tourist visas are to be issued on gratis basis to the nationals of Uruguay. Normal visa fee is applicable for all other type of visas in respect of these nationals.

2. Visa Fess Countries:

Nationals of Nepal and Bhutan do not require visa to enter India. However, Nepali nationals require visa if they enter India from China, which is to be granted Gratis.

3. Visa Fee for Pakistani Nationals:

Pakistani nationals should be charged existing fee of Rs. 100 for an Indian visa of all types.

4. Special Visa Fee Categories:

(a) Singaporean Nationals:

Charges for Tourist visa (Multiple entry) and valid up to six months in respect of Singapore nationals will be RM 134.56 However, fee for all other types of visas will be same as applicable for para 1 above.

b) Japanese Nationals:

Fee of RM 21.56 for transit visa and RM 54.56 for all other types of visa will be charged.

c) UK Nationals:

S.No Type of Visa Duration/Entries Fees in RM
1. Tourist Visa Up to 1 Year (S/M Entry) 781.56
Up to 1 Year to 5 years (Multiple Entry) 2301.56
2. Business Visa Up to 1 Year (S/M Entry) 1159.56
Up to 1 Year to 5 years (Multiple Entry) 3443.56
3. Entry Visa Up to 1 Year (S/M Entry) 781.56
Up to 1 Year to 5 years (Multiple Entry) 2301.56
4. Student Visa Up to 5 years (M/Entry) 1097.56
5. Medical Visa Up to 1 year (M/Entry) 625.56
6. Research Visa Up to 3 years or duration of course (whichever is less) 1097.56
7. Employment Visa Up to 6 months 2188.56
Up to 1 Year 2376.56
more than 1 year 2834.56
8. Transfer of Visa 805.56
9. Transit Visa 432.56
10. Business Visa issued same day (Excluding Visa Fee) 1031.56
11. Emergency Visa charges 437.56

d) Nigerian Nationals:

Uniform fee of RM 1196.56/- to be charged for all types of visas valid for any duration from the nationals of Nigeria.

e) USA Nationals:

Fee of RM 488.56/- to be charged for Tourist visa only for the maximum period up to 10 years Fee for 10 years validity Business visa issued to US nationals will be RM 1196.56/- as well as for 5 years. However, fee for all other types of visas will be same as applicable for other countries mentioned at 3 above. Visa application fee of RM 98.56 should be charged from US nationals in addition to visa fee.

f) Ukrainian Nationals:

S.No Type of Visa Duration/Entries Fees in RM
1. Transit Visa 15 Days (Single/Double Entry) 418.56
2. Tourist Visa Up to one year (S/D/M Entry) 488.56
3. Student Visa Less than 5 years (Multiple Entry) 418.56
4. Business Visa Less than 1 year (S/D/M Entry) 630.56
1 to 5 year (S/D/M Entry) 1196.56
5. Employment Visa Less than 6 months 583.56
Less than one year 960.56
Less than 5 years (S/D/M Entry) 1432.56
6. All other types of visas i.e. Entry Visa, Conference Visa, Journalist Visa etc. Less than 6 months 418.56
Less than one year 630.56
Less than 5 years (S/D/M Entry) 960.56
7. Emergency Visa Fee 418.56
#The minimum Tourist visa fee has been fixed at RM 434.56

g) Russian Nationals:

S.No For all types of visas (Excluding ICWF charges and Service Provider’s Service Fee) Fees in RM
1. Single Entry 205.56
2. Double Entry 441.56
3. Multiple Entry 583.56
4. Transfer of Valid Visa 205.56

h) Sri Lankan Nationals:

S.No Type of Visa Duration/Entries Fees in RM
1. Transit Visa 15 Days (Single/Double Entry) 64.56
2. Tourist Visa 30 days (Double Entry) 87.56
90 days (Single Entry) 87.56
90 days (Double Entry) 134.56
6 months (D/M Entry) 134.56
3. Entry Visa 1 year (Multiple Entry) 134.56
4. Business Visa 30 days (Multiple Entry) 134.56
90 days (Single Entry) 144.56
90 days (Multiple Entry) 205.56
6 months (Multiple Entry) 350.56
1 year (Multiple Entry) 394.56
5 years (Multiple Entry 583.56
5. Employment Visa 1 year (Multiple Entry) 758.56
6. Student Visa (for Institutions covered by bilateral agreement) 1 year 219.56
More than one year 399.56
7. Student Visa (for Institutions not covered by bilateral agreement) 399.56

i) Mozambique Nationals:

S.No Type of Visa Duration/Entries/Urgency Fees in RM
1. Tourist Visa Single Entry 394.56
Single Entry – Urgent 724.56
Multiple Entry 1055.56
Multiple Entry – Urgent 1432.56
2. Business Visa/Employment Visa Gratis
3. All other types visas (Except Transit and Student) Up to 6 months 1055.56
Up to 6 months (in Emergency) 1432.56
Up to 1 year 1432.56
Up to 1 year (in Emergency) 1432.56
Up to 5 years 1432.56
Up to 5 years (in Emergency) 1432.56

5. Gratis Business & Employment Visas for LDC Applicants:

Business & Employment Visas (where applicable) to the applicants from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to be issued on gratis basis. However, the service for the outsourcing company, wherever applicable, and the ICWF fee will continue to be charged from the business and employment visa applicants as well. A list of 48 LDCs is attached at Annexure-III.

6. Transfer of Visa:

When an Indian visa is affixed on an old passport is transferred to a new one, a service fee of RM 40.56 should be charged. The fee should not be charged from the nationals of those being given gratis visa, Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistani nationals.

7. Restricted/Protected Area Permit:

RM 140.56 for issuing restricted/protected area permit. Not to be charged from nationals of counties mentioned in paras 4, 5 & 6.

8. Note:

RM 15 as ICWF charges and RM 1.56 as IVS’s service charges will also be payable in addition to above rates.

RM 160.00 will be levied as emergency charges for emergency visa.



S.No. Country Visa Fees in RM
Upto one year More than one year up to five years
1. USA 602.56 1064.56
2. Ecuador 1022.56 1358.56
3. New Zealand 560.56 1064.56
4. France 707.56 1064.56
5. Australia 917.56 1253.56
6. Czech Republic 812.56 1148.56
7. Iran 1169.56 1505.56
8. Ireland 854.56 1190.56
9. Philippines 938.56 1274.56
10. Poland 623.56 1064.56
11. Saudi Arabia 917.56 1253.56
12. Thailand 854.56 1190.56
13. UAE 1757.56 2093.56



S.No. Country Vis fees in RM
Up to 6 months Up to one year More than one year
up to five years
1. Canada 644.56 854.56 1274.56
2. Ireland 686.56 854.56 1274.56
3. France 581.56 854.56 1274.56
4. Denmark 539.56 854.56 1274.56
5. Australia 770.56 938.56 1274.56
6. New Zealand 623.56 854.56 1274.56
7. Thailand 686.56 854.56 1274.56
8. UAE 1589.56 1757.56 2093.56
9. Israel 4214.56 4382.56 4718.56
10. Iran 1001.56 1169.56 1505.56


S.No Country Date of inclusion on the list S.No Country Date of inclusion on the list
1. Afghanistan 1971 25. Madagascar 1991
2. Angola 1994 26. Malawi 1971
3. Bangladesh 1975 27. Mali 1971
4. Benin 1971 28. Mauritania 1986
5. Bhutan 1971 29. Mozambique 1988
6. Burkina Faso 1971 30. Myanmar 1987
7. Burundi 1971 31. Nepal 1971
8. Cambodia 1991 32. Niger 1971
9. Central African Republic 1975 33. Rwanda 1971
10. Chad 1971 34. Sao Tome and Principe 1982
11. Comoros 1977 35. Senegal 2000
12. Dem. Republic of the Congo 1991 36. Sierra Leone 1982
13. Djibouti 1982 37. Solomon Islands 1991
14. Equatorial Guinea* 1982 38. Somalia 1971
15. Eritrea 1994 39. South Sudan 2012
16. Ethiopia 1971 40. Sudan 1971
17. Gambia 1975 41. Timor-Leste 2002
18. Guinea 1971 42. Togo 1982
19. Guinea-Bissau 1981 43. Tuvalu 1986
20. Haiti 1971 44. Uganda 1971
21. Kiribati 1986 45. United Republic of Tanzania 1971
22. Lao People’s Dem. Republic 1971 46. Vanuatu 1985
23. Lesotho 1971 47. Yemen 1971
24. Liberia 1990 48. Zambia 1971

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